by Julie at

I used to write a column for a local paper and often wrote about honoring the self and doing what felt right. In response to one of my articles, a reader wrote a letter to the editor, adamantly stating that “our society has become moral-less, our youths are direction-less and that listening to the self would be a dangerous practice because everyone would just do whatever they pleased.”

First, I have always been clear that creating from the small (or ego) self is not the path to living life well. Rather, the self that I refer to is the Higher Self, the place within that knows what is Right (spelled with a capital R) and creates with ease and from love.

I do understand where the letter to the editor writer was coming from though. Cable and online news agencies constantly spew sensational “breaking stories” that reflect a less than desirable, fear-based world. And so yes, (from their perspective) individuals, groups and governments can appear to be moral-less. From the evidence they offer, it seems that there is not much hope for humanity or planet earth. But these reports don’t tell the whole story, do they? There is always another side.

Some thoughts to ponder:

  • Change is an unsettling thing for many – even when it’s positive. Remember that what at one time was totally unheard of has now become acceptable – i.e., same-sex marriages, divorce, abortion, etc. Previous generations considered these to be moral-less. Today, in most of the western world anyway, the majority of people do not.
  • There are youths who do seem to be direction-less …  but by whose standards? They are young and finding their way in a world that is totally different than the one their parents grew up in. They are trying different things on for size, and rightly so, to determine what IS a fit for them.
  • Doing whatever we please. Wouldn’t it be awesome if everyone followed their passion, lived authentically and shared their unique gifts, talents and skills with others? What a wonderful world that would be.

We can spend our mental, emotional and physical time and energy looking at life through a glass darkly. But that would mean carrying around a whole lot of dense, negative energy, wouldn’t it? So how about we lighten up, put on some rose-colored glasses and see people and life, the world and the planet, from a totally different perspective? Let’s look for what’s joyful, good, bountiful and working well. We always find what we are looking for, and what we focus on always expands. So, let’s expand wellbeing, shall we?

Think about your heart’s desire. Focus on your dreams. Look for the good in others. Pay attention to what is working well. Appreciate nature. Spend time doing things that bring you joy. Be with people who are positive. Read books and watch programs that uplift. By doing these things, you will make a positive difference that reaches far beyond the confines of your own life.

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